Townsville's Bulk Billing Doctors - 7 days from 7am

Other Allied Health Tenants on Site

We have partnered with Sleep Therapy WA to provide a local professional sleep apnoea service. We can assist with advice, information, screening, sleep studies and CPAP machines and masks.

Sleep Apnoea

Sit down one on one with a pharmacist to review your medications. We can help you understand your medicines better and address any problem areas. Getting the best possible benefit from your medicines may mean better future health. We can do this in the pharmacy or in the comfort of your own home.  Call us today to book your free appointment.

Home Medicines & In Store Medicines Reviews

Primary Healthcare Counselling

Our highly trained pharmacists offer consistent, reliable, confidential & professional counselling.  You don't always have to see a Doctor, however we will refer you to one quite quickly if need be.

Influenza and Whooping Cough vaccine can be administered by our specially trained pharmacist without a prescription. No appointment required and available day or night! Please ask our staff for further details.

Pharmacist Vaccination Service

Are you on a number of medications with complex regimens? Do you sometimes miss a dose? Are you worried about taking the right medication at the right time? If you have any of these concerns, a dose administration aid is a simple answer. For a small weekly fee, we can organize your medications into a weekly blister pack system. This will give you the peace of mind that you are taking the correct dosage at the correct time of the day, and take out the stress of managing medications and scripts. For further information, ask one of our pharmacists.

Medication Management Service

Running out of time? Why don’t you try our no wait prescription service? Leave your prescription with us and we will file it accurately and safely. And when you are due to have your prescription filled, simply give us a call and we will dispense your medications and have them ready for you to collect - no waiting.  We will also keep a comprehensive record of all your medications dispensed by our pharmacy, allowing for complete reporting for PBS Safety Net totals and end of financial year tax records to be generated without any hassles.

Scripts on File and Reorder Service

Some patients may need to have their medicines provided to them in instalments.  This is known as Staged Supply and has been designed to support the provision of PBS medicines in instalments when requested by the prescriber.  In some cases a doctor may decide it in the patient's best interests for them to be given to them in instalments.  These instalments may be daily, weekly, or as otherwise prescribed by the doctor and our pharmacists are here to help you manage these instalments.  Ask us today for more information.    

Staged Supply of Medicines

Storage of expired and unwanted medicines in the home can be dangerous and unsafe disposal of unwanted medicines can lead to environmental damage. There is a free and convenient way to dispose of your unwanted medicines responsibly via our pharmacy, and it’s called Return Unwanted Medicines (or The RUM Project).

Return of Unwanted Medicines


  • Teresa Matai
  • Luke
  • Jody
  • Deanne


Other Health Care Services within Centre

  • PhysioCare Townsville has a special interest in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Workplace Injuries and Rehabilitation, Neck pain and Headaches, Children’s Health, Hydrotherapy and more.


  • Are you looking for a new dentist? Do you feel anxious or scared of the though of going to the dentist? Well, we have a solution for you and can be found at Dentist At Healthlink.

Dentist at Healthlink

  • Please phone to make an appointment for the following tests:
    • Blood Cultures
    • Glucose Tolerance Test

Pathology Collection by Sullivan Nicolaides


If your patients have a complaint about your service, this is the process:

  • Put it in writing
  • The GP will reply

If you are unable to obtain a satisfactory response, you may contact the government health watchdog for Queensland as follows:

Office of the Health Ombudsman:
GPO Box 13281 George Street
Brisbane QLD 4001
Telephone 133 646


Management of your Personal Health Information

Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain privacy and security of personal health information at all times. This practice will not disclose your personal health information to third parties unless you have consented to this disclosure; or this disclosure is necessary because you are at risk of harm without treatment and you are unable to give consent.

Personal Health Information and your Medical Record, may be collected, used and disclosed for the following reasons:

1) For communicating relevant information with other treating doctors, specialists or allied health professionals
2) For follow up reminder/recall notices,
3) Accounting/Medicare/health insurance procedures
4) Quality Assurance activities such as accreditation,
5) For disease notification as required by law, (e.g. infectious diseases)
6) For use by all doctors in this group practice when consulting with you,
7) For legal related disclosure as required by a court of law (e.g. subpoena, court order, suspected child abuse)
8) For research purposes (de identified).

If you have any concerns about your personal health information please discuss these with your doctor. This practice adheres to principles of the RACGP Handbook for the Management of Health Information in Private Medical Practice and has a written policy, which is available to all patients for inspection.

See what our patients had to say and leave us your review today.

Healthlink Family Medical Centre, Doctors Townsville, Bulk Bill Doctors Townsville, Crankbrook Doctors, Drs Townsville

Healthlink Family Medical Centre

533 Ross River Road, Cranbrook, QLD, 4814

(c) Medicines Information Pty Ltd

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